

篇名 智能障礙者維持就業階段工作適應之探討-以三位中度智能障礙女性為例
並列篇名 A Study in Mentally Retarded Workers' Ability to Adjust to Their Work and Retain Their Jobs: The Example of Three Moderately Mentally Retarded Females.
作者 高馨玲 、任麗華
中文摘要 本研究以智能障礙者維持就業階段工作適應之探討為主題,採質化研究的深入訪談法,立意抽樣選取參與支持性就業安置模式的三位中度智能障礙者女性為研究對象。受訪對象包括智能障礙者本人、家人、雇主以及就業服務員,共計訪談對象十二人。依據資料的收集與分析,發現以下的研究結果:壹、三位智能障礙者進入職場的歷程:一、皆由家人積極協助,安排案主前往機構接受職業訓練,乃邁向成功就業的第一步。二、智能障礙者以往的工作經驗,培養他們良好的工作態度與基本能力。三、政府相關單位的政策實施促使雇主願意僱用身心障礙者。貳、透過家人、雇主與就業服務員的協助之外,三位智能障礙者展現了高度的工作意願,使其能藉以克服職場中之困境:一、好勝心強且工作意願強烈,有助於第一位智能障礙者維持就業。二、熱心外向、有責任感以及對工作充滿熱忱,此三因素使得第二位智能障礙者能夠維持就業。三、從工作中得到的成就感,大於待在家裡做家事,亦是促使第三位智能障礙者持續外出就業之原因。參、三位智能障礙者維持就業階段相關他人的協調與協助情形,成為維持就業的支持來源:一、機構所提供的系統性職業訓練模式,成為智能障礙者接受職業訓練課程之完備資源。二、就業服務員的培訓、溝通與輔導角色之扮演,成為智能障礙者維持就業的重要因素。三、雇主發揮極大的包容力,亦是維持就業的穩定力量。四、家人同時扮演了助力與推力,其兩股力量,成為智能障礙者維持就業的外在動機與內在動機。五、職場中的自然支持者,對智能障礙者就業抱持著正向的態度,皆為社會模式觀點之開放態度的體現。肆、經由與明尼蘇達工作適應理論的對應檢視,本研究顯示智能障礙者透過與環境及他人的互動協助,可達良好的工作適應情形,而障礙程度亦不成為重要決定因素。
英文摘要 The purpose of this paper is to study the work adjustment of mentally retarded individuals at the job retaining stage. The qualitative method of in-depth-interview has been applied to collect the data, purposively sampling three cases of moderately mentally    retarded females participating in the supportive employment model. The research subjects include three mentally retarded individuals, their family members, employers, and job placement social workers, for a total of twelve people. The results of this study are as follows: I. Conditions that allowed the three research subjects to enter the working field included: 1.Family members sent the three subjects to job training, which was the first step to achieve successful employment. 2.Previous work experience equipped the mentally retarded individuals with a positive work attitude and basic skills. 3.Governmental policies encouraged employers to hire the disabilities. II. In addition to help from family members, employers, and job placement social workers, the three research subjects exhibited considerable desire to work, which helped them conquer all the difficulties encountered at their jobs. 1.Emulation and strong will to work enabled one of the mental retarded subjects to retain her job. 2.Being extroverted, responsible, and enthusiastic helped the second subject stay in the working field. 3.The perception that the sense of achievement gained from work surpassed that gained doing household chores inspired the third research subject to retain her job. III. Coordination and help from others during the employment period may have been the most important supportive resource for these three subjects. 1.The systematic job-training services provided by vocational rehabilitation agencies were the main and most comprehensive channel by which the mentally retarded could take job-training courses. 2.The job placement social workers' roles of training,communication and counseling were the important elements in keeping the mentally retarded in their jobs. 3.Tolerance and support from employers also did much to stabilize the subjects' job retainment. 4.Family members' support and encouragement not only helped the subjects keep working steadily, but also motivated them externally and internally. 5.The nature supporters in the working field possessed a positive attitude toward mentally retarded individuals, they could help realize a more open-minded social model. IV. After comparing the research results with the Minnesota Theory of Work Adjustment, this paper found that the mentally retarded individuals demonstrated good work adjustment in their interaction with the environment and other people. Therefore, level of retardation should not be regarded as a key factor. Investigating the work adjustment of mentally retarded individuals at the job retaining stage not only yields positive educational messages, but also locates relevant employment factors which can benefit the mentally retarded. Application of these factors can enable the mentally retarded to adjust themselves to the working field more easily, and hence develop their potential at work and remain employed. In addition, the research suggests the professional cooperation and frequent communication among related agencies in order toprovide the supportive employment model to help the mentally retarded in work adjustment and job retaining.
頁次 179-207
關鍵詞 支持性就業 維持就業 智能障礙者 工作適應 supportive employment model|job retaining mental retardation work adjustment
卷期 13
日期 200412
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系