

篇名 中小学名师工作室建设的问题与建议
並列篇名 The Problem and Suggestion on the Building of Excellent Teacher Studio
作者 胡继飞
中文摘要 目前我国名师工作室建设仍存在诸如功能不明、职责不清、管理不善、考核不严等问题。名师工作室应具备五个方面的功能,即名师展示的舞台、骨干培养的基地、教学示范的窗口、科研兴教的引擎和教育改革的论坛。名师工作室的建设应把好入口关(严格审批)和出口关(成效检测)。工作室的运作模式应是分工合作,信念支持应是集体责任。
英文摘要 At present, our country still has such as construction of teacher studio whose function and responsibility are not clear. Studies suggest that teacher studio should have five aspects of functions, namely, stage for excellent teachers to show themselves, base for training the backbone teachers, window for demonstrating good teaching, engine to encourage scientific research, and forum for talking about educational reform. The construction of teacher studio should have strict approval procedures and achievements inspection, what’s more, the operations mode should be in close cooperation with an appropriate division of labour and the faith support should be collective responsibility.
頁次 048-056
關鍵詞 名师 名师工作室 学习共同体 教师专业发展 excellent teachers teacher studio learning community teachers' professional development
卷期 9:2
日期 201204
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學