

篇名 臺灣高等教育學生入學機會公平性之探討
並列篇名 Equity of Higher Education Access in Taiwan
作者 蓋浙生 、鈕方頤
中文摘要 高等教育入學機會的公平性與就學機會的可負擔性已成為各國目前所關注的主要問題之一。臺灣高等教育學生入學機會逐年擴增,2009年聯合招生錄取率已高達97.14%,幾乎人人皆可以進入高等教育機構,但若進一步探究,學生會受哪些因素的影響就讀不同性質(公立或私立)及類別(綜合型或技職型大學)的學校,入學機會的可接近性是否公平,另對經濟弱勢族群就學機會的可負擔性為何,是否受到經濟因素的影響而不能夠充分就學,為本研究探討的目的。 本研究透過文獻探討及實證研究的結果,提出下列幾點結論。首先,在入學機會可接受性方面,研究發現:一、臺灣高等教育入學機會公平指標以「可接近性」觀察,仍有改善空間;二、臺灣高等教育入學機會可接近性,以「考試分發」為主要管道,其次是「甄選入學」,但就比例而言,「繁星計畫」的比例最高。其次,在就學機會可負擔性方面,研究發現:一、臺灣高等教育就學機會公平指標以「可負擔性」觀察,經濟弱勢家庭學生仍居於不利地位;二、高等教育成本「可負擔性」公立學校以政府補助為主,私立學校則多仰賴於學雜費收入,造成「可負擔性」的偏頗;三、對經濟弱勢家庭者政府雖提供多種助學措施,但資訊並不能使其充分了解;四、對高等教育就學機會「可負擔性」的其他改進措施,依序是減輕學雜費負擔,降低減免標準,鼓勵業界認領與推薦學生工讀機會。
英文摘要 The accessibility and affordability of higher education are now a worldwide concern. Higher education opportunity has greatly increased in Taiwan, with the admission rate reaching 97.14% in 2009, meaning almost everyone can attend college. However, further attention needs to be paid to the factors affecting student enrollment at different types (public or private) of higher education institutions and different categories (comprehensive or vocational and technological) of higher education institutions, equity of access to higher education, and the affordability of higher education to the economically disadvantaged. Through literature review and empirical research, this study reaches the following conclusions. First of all, regarding the accessibility of higher education, the study finds that: 1. room for improvement exists in the accessibility of higher education; 2. examination-based college assignment is the main channel of accessibility in higher education, admission by application is the second; however, the proportion of the Stars Program is the highest. Second, regarding the affordability of higher education, this study finds that: 1. the economically disadvantaged are still in an unfavorable position; 2. public higher education institutions rely on government subsidy to enhance affordability, while private higher education higher institutions mainly rely on tuition and miscellaneous fees; 3. information is not fully understood regarding the financial aid measures provided by the government; 4. other measures to improve higher education affordability include reducing the burden of tuition and miscellaneous fees, lowering the criteria for tuition and miscellaneous fee remission, encouraging businesses to adopt students, and suggesting work-study opportunities to students.
頁次 161-202
關鍵詞 可負擔性 可接近性 高等教育 教育機會公平 affordability accessibility higher education equity in educational opportunity
卷期 2:1
日期 201206
刊名 教育行政研究
出版單位 中華民國教育行政學會