

篇名 Cultivating Critical Thinking through Literature Circles in EFL Context
並列篇名 透過文學討論圈以提升大一英文學生的批判思考
作者 廖敏旬(Liao, Min-hsun)
中文摘要 貫穿古今,多數教育學者認為技巧性的思考是教育的重要目標之一。現代社會不僅重視豐富的知識更強調卓越的思考能力,又稱為批判性思考。本研究的主要目的在於探討融合文學討論圈於大一英文課,是否有助益於提升大一學生的批判性思考。本研究採質量並重的研究法;針對57 名大一學生做實驗,以期發現融合文學討論圈是否有助於批判性思考的培養。本研究試圖比較線上文學討論圈,以及課堂上的文學討論圈;在批判性思考的培養上有沒有差異?並進一步探討參與研究的大一學生對於融合文學討論圈於大一英文課的看法及參加心得。本文取材自為期一年,針對兩班大一英文學生收集的資料。這些資料包括問卷調查、文學討論圈的討論紀錄、訪談、及即時聊天室的文字紀錄。兩班的學生分成一班透過即時聊天室進行文學討論圈;另一班則是在課堂上進行面對面的文學討論圈。針對兩個班級學生在進行文學討論圈時所提出的問題,根據Bloom 所提出的六個等級,做不同程度批判性思考的歸類與分析。其次也就20 個學生,一年當中所提出不同等級的問題的比例變化作分析:探究是否隨著學期的進展學生的提問更具備批判性思考?另外也透過訪談深入了解參與學生的心路歷程。本研究結果提供教授英語為外國語的老師,一些關於融合文學討論圈的實際建議。第一,本研究幫助英語教師了解,藉由小組的討論及交換意見,無論是線上或課堂上的文學討論圈對於學生都是有助益的。第二,本研究顯示批判性思考是可以透過文學討論圈來培養的。文學討論圈和批判性思考之間的關聯,教導所有有志於實施文學討論圈的教育學者及學校一個重要的課題: 英語閱讀和批判性思考是可以同時並進的。
英文摘要 Many educators, throughout history, believe that skillful thinking is one of the important goals in education. Contemporary societies often require people to possess not only remarkable knowledge but also strong thinking skills, often referred to as critical thinking or higher order thinking skills. This study used a mixed-method approach to investigate the effects of integrating LCs (LC) into freshman English classes on cultivating critical thinking skills among 57 Taiwanese university students studying English as foreign language (EFL). This study also intended to examine the difference between in-class and the Messenger ™-mediated LC discussions in developing critical thinking skills, and to explore the students’ perceptions of LC discussions after their one-year participation.This paper presentation draws on research data from a year-long study of two freshman English for non-major (FENM) classes. These data comprise a questionnaire survey, LC discussion transcripts, and the archives of instant messenger. Two groups of students, Messenger ™ (MSN)-mediated and in-class, face-to-face LC discussions were compared in terms of the degree of their higher-order thinking as reflected in the questions raised by the participants during their LC discussions.
Participants’ critical thinking was measured by referring to the Hierarchy of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Pretest and posttest of the participants’ self-assessment on Critical Thinking were calculated.Proportions of six levels of hierarchical thinking reflected in the discussion questions
from 4 participants were presented in bar charts to show the progression as the semester unfolded.The results from this study suggest that infusing LCs into freshman English classes helps EFL students enhance their critical thinking. This study offered EFL teachers better understanding of how face-to-face and online LCs benefited students through discussing and sharing their own thoughts in English within a small group. The connection between critical thinking and LC offered valuable insights for educators, researchers, and schools concerned with implementing LCs in English teaching, especially those who have a desire to help EFL students improve both their reading and thinking skills.
頁次 089-115
關鍵詞 外語閱讀教學 批判性思考 文學討論圈 電腦輔助語言學習 EFL reading instruction critical thinking literature circles computer-mediated language learning
卷期 5
日期 200907
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學