

篇名 職前師資培育階段「生命教育」課程之實施與省思
並列篇名 Life-education in Teacher Training Programs: Reflections and Implications
作者 張淑美(Chang, Shu-mei)
中文摘要 自從前台灣省政府教育廳推動生命教育以來,受到教育當局、各級學校與社會各界的重視。教育部曾宣布民國九十年為生命教育年,並推動小學到大學十六年一貫的生命教育,九年一貫課程綱要中明訂生命教育為綜合活動領域之指定單元,即將實施的九十五學年度高中課程暫行綱要,已正式將生命教育納入選修類科,因應生命教育師資的需求,師資培育機構應該及早規劃。本文旨在以作者於師資培育機構實施生命教育的經驗與省思,提出培育生命教育師資的建議與展望。分別介紹「融入式的生命教育課程設計與實施」,以及「獨立式的開設於通識課程的生命教育課程設計與實施」,並針對「生命教育是教師的通識教育」以及「生命教育是師資培育」之不同定位,提出省思與建議。最後,本文針對培育專業生命教育師資的方向,提出「應建立生命教育師資專業認證制度」、「規劃設置生命教育師資培育學程」、「設立生命教育師資培育在職學分班或第二專長專班」、以及「設立生命教育研究與推廣單位」等建議。
英文摘要 Life-Education has been advocated by the Bureau of Education, and has being promoted by the educational authorities, schools, and societies. The Department of Education, Taiwan, R. O. C. has announced the year of 2001 to be the year of Life-Education. Furthermore, it has been one of the important issues in the Curriculum Agenda for elementary and junior high schools. Lately, it has become one of the selective categories of the formal Curriculum Agenda of Senior High School, which will be conducted in 2006. The importance of training professional teachers for Life-Education seems to be very urgent. Two kinds of curriculum designs for Life-Education-the infusion model and the independent course model-will be introduced and discussed in this paper. Based on the insight from the reflections of the author's experiences in teaching Life-education in teacher training programs, the author proposes four suggestions for pre-service and in-service teacher training programs for Life-Education teachers.
頁次 67-87
關鍵詞 生命教育 課程與教學 師資培育 Life-educatioin Curriculum and instruction Teacher training Curriculum models TSSCI
卷期 24
日期 200506
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系