

篇名 師範學院兩性教育課程授課教師教學信念之探究
並列篇名 Gender Education in Teacher Education: Pedagogical Beliefs of Teacher Educators
作者 王儷靜(Wang, Li-ching)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探究師範學院兩性教育課程的課程授課教師的教學信念以及信念的情境意義。受訪者看待性別議題的取向座落在兩端為女性主義及和諧論的光譜上,多數採兩性互動的觀點談兩性教育,只有少數強調女性主義的視野;雖然都從生活經驗引導學生察覺和思索其中的性別議題,然而,多數受訪者所謂的「從生活經驗著手、讓不同的聲音被聽見」,和女性主義教育學裡強調讓不同經驗被覺知,提昇經驗和差異的價值的意涵有很大落差;小組報告和討論發表常在課堂中被運用,然而,其背後的運作機制為何、對學生性別意識培養產生何種影響需要被更細緻的分析。至於師範學院兩性教育課程面臨的困境,受訪者認為學校的開課結構以及可能造成的排擠效應會影響學生的選修意願,另外,誰適合開此類課程是頗具爭議性的議題。最後,本研究提出幾點提昇師資培育裡的性別教育的建議:鼓勵授課教師自我探究性別教育的教學實務外,形成授課師資培育者的網絡,以及增加師範教育裡的性別教育和其他學術領域的性別研究的互動。
英文摘要 The purposes of this study were to inquire the pedagogical beliefs possessed by teacher educators who orchestrated those courses and analyze their contextual meanings. The study argued that teacher educators held different orientations towards gender issues, ranging from structural functionalism to feminism. Although they all acknowledged the importance of students’ personal experiences, only few of them encouraged students to integrate experiences into knowledge construction and led students to understand how their experiences are shaped socially. How to organize group discussion to trasnform students’ learning styles was another issue to pursue. The paper concluded with some suggestions: to encourage teacher educators to inquire their own practice , to form a discourse community among those who teach gender education courses, and to encourage the development of gender study discourse in teacher education.
頁次 129-150
關鍵詞 教學信念 性別教育 師資培育 Gender education Teacher education Teacher educators' beliefs TSSCI
卷期 22
日期 200406
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系