

篇名 大学制度正义:旨趣、机制与行动──基于罗尔斯和马格利特正义理论的双重视角
並列篇名 Institutional Justice of the University:Purpose, Mechanism and Action──From the Dual Perspective of Raws’s Theory of Justice and Margalit’s Theory of Decent Society
作者 陈彬
中文摘要 本文从罗尔斯公平正义论和马格利特正派社会论的双重理论视角,对我国大学制度正义问题进行了讨论,提出了三个主要观点 :凸显正义品性是大学制度的根本旨趣和首要美德;深度对话和平等协商是实现大学制度正义的基础机制;消除制度性羞辱是促进大学制度正义的着力举措。
英文摘要 This article focuses the issue of university institutional justice from the dual─perspective of Rawls’ theory of justice and Margalit’s theory of decent society. The three main arguments of the study are as the following:(1)assuring and developing social justice is the most important objective and biggest moral excellence of the university;(2)the fundamental mechanism of promoting university institutional justice is substantial dialogue and democratic negotiation throughout the whole process of a special university institution from establishment to abrogation;(3)to implement institutional justice it is imperative to eliminate all kinds of institutional humiliations in university administration and other concerned fields.
頁次 37-42
關鍵詞 institutional humiliation institutional justice principle of justice institutional ethics university 制度性羞辱 制度正义 正义原则 制度伦理 大学 CSSCI
卷期 29:5
日期 200810
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學