

篇名 全球化下的翻譯研究所:學生期望與教育資源
並列篇名 T & I Schools in a Globalized Era: Student Expectation and Educational Resources
作者 陳立書(Chen, Li-shu) 、廖柏森(Liao, Posen)
中文摘要 翻譯在全球化的浪潮下順勢而起,需求量日益增加。全球化下的翻譯,不但幫 助人類跨越語言及文化的隔閡,同時加速了資訊流通。在人口不斷移動的現代社會 中,翻譯讓人與人的溝通更有效率。 世界各國也因這股浪潮紛紛成立翻譯相關系所。臺灣同樣體認到翻譯的重要性, 從輔仁大學於1988 年成立臺灣第一間翻譯研究所後,三十多年來,各大學也相繼成 立翻譯相關系所。臺師大翻譯所是國內第一所國立翻譯研究所,其碩士班課程為因 應市場需求,課程設計除學術訓練外亦採實務導向,以期能讓學生在畢業後順利進 入相關就業市場。 本研究透過問卷調查,抽樣了臺師大翻譯所共三十七位碩士班學生,了解他們 在入學前、後對於臺師大翻譯所提供的教育資源是否符合自身預期。本研究將教育 資源細分為三個面向:「課程內容」、「師資」及「未來規劃」。 資料蒐集完畢後以統計軟體 SPSS 進行分析。結果發現學生在「入學後」,對於 課程內容(M=4.05)、師資(M=4.23)及未來規劃(M=3.83)的平均值,皆高於「入學前」 的課程內容(M=3.68)、師資(M=3.83)及未來規劃(M=3.68)的平均值;換言之,學生 對於入學後實際上課評價高於入學前的期望,亦即臺師大翻譯所提供符合學生需求 的課程內容。另外,研究者分析背景變項中的「性別」及「組別」分別與教育資源 的關係,結果顯示「組別」與「入學後的課程內容」有顯著性,代表臺師大翻譯所 提供的翻譯課程滿足學生期望。 全球化浪潮造就了翻譯市場,有了市場便需相對質量的翻譯教育培訓機構。本 文旨在提供臺師大翻譯所的研究結果,以供未來教師在規劃翻譯相關課程時作為參 考借鏡,提供符合學生期望,且順應市場的優質翻譯教學課程。
英文摘要 As the world marches toward a globalized era, the need for translation and interpretation (T&I) services has increased dramatically. T&I services not only help people cross language and cultural barriers but also accelerate worldwide information flow today. Furthermore, T&I services also enable people to communicate more efficiently and effectively as human migration has become a common phenomenon in the globalized world. Many T&I schools around the world have been established in the wave of globalization, and it is no exception in Taiwan. Ever since the first T&I school in Taiwan (Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University) was set up in 1988, T&I-related curriculums on both undergraduate and graduate levels have been designed and put into practice for the past thirty years. Years later, National Taiwan Normal University established Taiwan’s first public T&I graduate institute in 1996 (Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation, GITI). It has played a leading role in T&I training programs in Taiwan. Its T&I curriculums are market-oriented to prepare its students for the market after graduating. In this paper, a quantitative survey method is adopted. Thirty-seven current GITI students were surveyed to find whether or not GITI provided its students with suited T&I programs that prepare students for future career after graduation. T&I programs in this paper are examined from three aspects: T&I curriculums, faculty, and future career planning. All the collected survey data were analyzed by SPSS and the result is interpreted to see if the T&I training programs fulfill students’ expectations that they are qualified to do T&I assignments in the market after they graduate. It is found that GITI students had higher means on the three categories mentioned above. Before they received training, their means of the three categories were 3.68, 3.83, and 3.68 respectively. After they received training, their means were 4.05, 4.23, and 3.83 respectively. The means in all three categories were higher after students finished their training. In other words, students’ expectations on the training programs are fulfilled. They are satisfied with the programs that will enable them to pursue their future career in the T&I market. What’s more, among all the background variables (e.g. students' gender, age, school enrollment year, and related T&I experience), only the variable of training programs revealed a significant difference. That is, GITI especially provides students in its interpreting program with what they expect they will need for their future interpreting career. The trend of globalization has given rise to a growing worldwide T&I market. As the trend persists, T&I training institutes will always be needed. This paper aims to provide relevant references for future T&I training institutes in the hope that those programs not only can offer quality T&I programs for students but also prepare them for the market.
頁次 071-086
關鍵詞 全球化 翻譯教學 學生期望 翻譯研究所 教育資源 globalization translation teaching student expectation T&I schools educational resources
卷期 12:1
日期 201401
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學