

篇名 應用建構取向教學教導輕度智能障礙國中生等差數列之成效
並列篇名 The Efficacy of Teaching Based on the Constructive Approach on Learning Sequence Problems for Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities
作者 溫淑雯(Wen-Shu Wen) 、曾淑賢(Shu-Hsien Tseng) 、袁媛(Yuan Yuan)
中文摘要 本研究以單一受試研究法探討建構取向教學對輕度智能障礙學生學習等差數列的 成效。研究對象為三位國中輕度智能障礙學生。經過六周的介入,發現建構教學對學 習等差數列具有立即與保留效果。學生的解題行為也有正向的改變,包括從被動觀望 到能勇敢嘗試、從沒有自己想法或想法有限到能產生自己的解題結果、開始能自行調 整想法、能發現邏輯或計算的錯誤並加以調整等、能開始能獨立思考,並從在教師引 導下完成問題到能獨立完成延伸問題,展現類化能力。此外,對數學的學習態度亦有 正面的提升,三位學生皆認為參與建構取向教學後較能聽得懂、學得會數學、並且變 得喜歡上數學課。當遇到問題時願意先自行思考,或是找老師同學討論,一改之前的 負面態度,也更加有自信的認為自己的答案也有正確的機會,即使仍然認為數學有些 困難,但是對於學好數學變得較有信心。因此,本研究結果支持建構取向教學能有效 教導輕度智能障礙學生如等差數列這類的抽象數學概念。
英文摘要 This study adopted a multiple-probe design across behaviors of the single-subject method to examine the effects of teaching based on the constructive approach. Participants were three junior high school students with mild intellectual disabilities. The intervention focused on sequence problems. Research findings indicated immediate effects as well as maintenance effects of the constructive approach. Moreover, the intervention had positive influences on the students’ learning attitude, including (1)from waiting for answers and being reactive to becoming brave and proactive; (2) from producing no idea or limited ideas, to producing more of their own ideas, and then to initiating discussion with peers; (3) starting to reorganize and modify ideas; (4) being able to identify mistakes in computation and further clarify concepts to obtain correct results; (5) being able to identify logical mistakes in problem-solving and further clarify concepts to obtain correct results; (6) developing independent thinking; and (7) generalizing what they had learned to extended problems. Students also became fond of learning math and confident of their own problem solving results. Therefore, this study supports the efficacy of the approach of constructive teaching on math learning of students with mild intellectual disabilities.
頁次 017-041
關鍵詞 建構取向 資源班 輕度智能障礙 數學 等差數列 constructive teaching mild intellectual disabilities resource rooms math sequence problems
卷期 28
日期 201306
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系