

篇名 縣市輔導團教師的學習領導:領導踐行與能力發展
並列篇名 Teachers' Leadership for Learning of County/City Advisory Groups: The Practice of Leadership and the Development of Capabilities
作者 張素貞 、吳俊憲
中文摘要 近年來,各國的教育改革都致力於提升學生學習成效,期使學生能具備足夠的學習能力以因應迅速變遷的世界趨勢,亦能符合未來的社會需求。基本上,增進學生學習成效的關鍵人物是教師,而縣市輔導團教師一直以來都是我國提供教師成長相當重要的專業支持者。鑑於此,本研究以文獻探討學習領導(leadership for learning)的趨勢、概念與相關理論,整理分析國內外相關研究,進而綜述我國縣市輔導團教師如何扮演學習領導者的角色,達成提供教師同儕專業支持的任務,以及如何藉由增能課程來發展領導專業能力。全文主要分成四個方面加以闡述:首先,釐析學習領導的趨勢、概念與相關理論;其次,分析縣市輔導團教師學習領導的角色與踐行;第三,探討縣市輔導團教師增能課程與學習領導能力發展;最後,提出結語與建議。
英文摘要 The education evolutions at countries have aimed at enhancing students' learning for years. Students should equip with some certain learning abilities in order to adapt themselves into the rapid changing world and fit the need of future society. Teachers are the keys to promote students' learning and teachers of county/city advisory groups are the important supporters to teachers' professions. The purpose of this study is to discuss the leadership for learning. The trends, concepts, and related theories are analyzed through literature reviews. International and national researches and plans are stated. Furthermore, the leading roles of teachers of county/city advisory groups are analyzed. In the end, four aspects are elaborated: 1) The discussion on the trends, concepts and related theories of leadership for learning; 2) The analysis of county/city advisory group teachers' leadership for learning roles and practice; 3) The discussion on the development of county/city advisory group teachers' capabilities; 4) Conclusion and suggestions are proposed.
頁次 071-085
關鍵詞 縣市輔導團教師 學習領導 增能課程 county/city advisory group teachers leadership for learning empowered lesson
卷期 229
日期 201305
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司