

篇名 腦性麻痺兒童適應體育教學模式之發展
並列篇名 Development of Adapted Physical Education Program for School-Aged Children with Cerebral Palsy
作者 汪宜霈 、鈕文英
中文摘要 Sherrill所發展之適應體育教學模式(PAP-TE-CA模式)(Sherrill, 1997)對身心障礙兒童具有教學成效,本研究乃依文獻探討之理論基礎,根據PAP-TE-CA模式,發展以動作評量為中心之適應體育教學模式。此部份之主要結果如下:一、所發展出來的適應體育教學模式包括計畫、評量、處方、教學及評鑑五部份。二、根據腦性麻痺兒童之特性及需求,且配合一般國小體育課程之內容,設計出在融合情境下可實行之適應體育課程。三、此適應體育課程以動作評量為中心,因此切合腦性麻痺兒童的動作功能,並能根據動作評量的結果,做課程的修正;及隨時評估兒童的動作功能變化。
英文摘要 This study was aimed to develop the adapted physical education program for schoolaged children with cerebral palsy. The previous research showed that PAP-TE-CA model proposed by Sherrill (Sherrill, 1997) had significant effects on enhancing outcome for children with disabilities. As a result, the adapted physical education program used in this study was developed from PAP-TE-CA model. Results indicated that: 1.The services delivered in this adapted physical education program were planning, assessment, prescription, teaching, and evaluation. 2.The adapted physical education program was designed according to the characteristics of children with cerebral palsy and the physical education curriculum used currently. 3.The adapted physical education program was centered on motor function assessment. The results of the motor function assessment were used to develop, modify the program, and monitor the ongoing change of each subject.
頁次 149-178
關鍵詞 適應體育教學 腦性麻痺 adapted physical program cerebral palsy
卷期 13
日期 200412
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系