

篇名 反思與集結:建構國家課程與教學網絡的另一種可能
並列篇名 Reflexivity and Assemblage: A Possibility to Construct National Curriculum and Instruction Network
作者 黃騰
中文摘要 課程與教學是教育的核心,也因此,建構國家課程與教學網絡是近年來政府相當積極推動的一個方向。不過,因為這個網絡涉及許多組織團體,也涵蓋許多複雜的面向,所以,在推動時相當的困難。本研究的目的是想讓課程與教學網絡的建構能更回到現實政治性的面向、更重視學校的實踐,並找到更動態可行的策略,以提供未來發展的切入點。首先,本研究先分析目前建構此網絡的兩個潛在框架:一、視輔導團為「失落的環節」;二、將政治的屬性排除。其次,回到當代社會的條件,以反思與集結做為基礎,並配合近幾年課程與教學網絡的研究,重新思考目前的網絡問題。最後,試圖提出三個可能的切入方向:跳脫靜態的建構觀點、如何創造新的論述實踐,以及尋找關鍵的「位置—實踐關係」,做為未來建構網絡的研究與實踐參考,並說明可能的圖像概貌。
英文摘要 Curriculum and instruction is central to educational system. Thus, Taiwan government is active to construct a national curriculum and instruction network recently. However, this network involves lots of groups and complex factors and this it was hard to be constructed in its nature. This paper aims to face the reality of politics when constructing this network and highlight the significance of school practices in order to find possible strategies. Two implicit frames in previous studies were analyzed at first: regarding the advisory groups as the "missing elements of network" and excluding the politic issue from construction. In turn, based on the concepts of "reflexivity" and "assemblage" in current society and related findings, I am going to rethink the possibilities of construction in three ways: thinking beyond a statistic view, creating new discourses-practices, and finding the key position-practice relations.
頁次 066-080
關鍵詞 國家課程與教學網絡 反思 集結 政策實踐
卷期 226
日期 201302
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司