

篇名 以「數學教學學習型組織」促進職前幼兒教師數學教學知識成長
並列篇名 To Inquiry Preschool Teachers’ Professional Development in Mathematics Teaching Practice Knowledge
作者 陳彥廷(Chen, Yen-ting)
中文摘要 這是一篇探究五位職前幼兒教師參與「數學教學學習型組織」運作中,在數學教學知識成長的研究。研究者透過「數學教學學習型組織」的經營,作為探究幼兒教師數學教學知識成長的研究脈絡。以「理論覺知與建構→知識轉化與實作→意象表徵與詮釋→成果施行與回饋」為主要進行步驟,用「發展與討論幼兒數學教學活動」為組織的主要活動。經過六個月「數學教學學習型組織」的經營運作與會議記錄、反思札記、晤談、教學活動設計成品與教學影帶資料蒐集,研究者發現:幼兒數學教學活動的設計與實作歷程以及「數學教學學習型組織」的論證情境有助於增進參與成員對數學教學知識之認識;且促進其數學課程知識的理解發展,進而使其對於數學課程知識的結構有較全面性的洞察;亦使成員對於學生學習數學的理解產生質化與量化的轉變。最後,藉由研究者對於研究歷程的反思,研究者提出「數學教學學習型組織」運作的可行性途徑。
英文摘要 purpose of this study was to inquiry five preschool teachers’mathematics teaching practice knowledge development in Taiwan. Through a    community called “Learning Organization of Mathematics Teaching” (LOMT), the researchers provided the five preschool teachers with opportunities
to know the theories of teaching activity design    and design mathematics activities actuality and share with others. Various data were obtained through observations, interviews and the collection of relevant documents. From analyses of these data, it was found that preschool teachers’ changes took place in terms of their views about mathematics teaching, their understandings of mathematics conceptions and of students’ learning of mathematics, and the operation of classrooms. Finally, from reflection on the process of investigating part icipating preschool teachers’    teaching practice knowledge development in mathematics, the researcherdeveloped a gateway about the operation of    
LOMT model.
頁次 177-207
關鍵詞 數學教學知識 學習型組織 職前幼兒教師
卷期 5
日期 201009
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系