

篇名 從終身學習論部落網站的社群、文化與知識建構--以卑南族卡地布部落網站為例
並列篇名 The Theory of Lifelong Learning Website of Tribal Community--Taking KaTipuL Website as an Example
作者 林頌恩(Lim, Siong-un)
中文摘要 本文以卑南族卡地布部落網站之經營為主題,試從終身學習探討部落網站對其社群使用者的意義,及其於傳續文化、建立部落社群知識的存在價值。研究發現,部落網站對使用者而言可以是終身學習合作網絡多元主體一環。然而部落網站所面臨的挑戰諸如如何永續經營、如何呈現部落知識體系,以及如何展望族群入口網發展,都是未來可以努力的方向。
英文摘要 This work tries to approach the research to find out what the management of a tribal community website used means basing on the management of KaTipuL website. It could be to pass the traditional culture and establish the value of the existence of tribal community knowledge as a link of various subject of the cooperative website for lifelong learning.By the way, the study has also discovered that the tribal community website faces many challenges, such as how it can have sustaining management, how it can present community knowledge system, how it can develop the community website population. The team of the website and people of the community can put more thought on these.
頁次 98-131
卷期 3
日期 200412
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等