

篇名 從PISA與TIMSS國際學測檢視課程改革與評量機制
並列篇名 From PISA and TIMSS to Curriculum Reform and Assessment Reconstruction
作者 戴維揚
中文摘要 依「成敗究因」理論,成功者選擇進步的改革策略,失敗者尋找掩飾的藉口。OECD每年研擬國際標準與策略,因應瞬息萬變的挑戰與轉換。PISA國際學測評量結果公布以後,芬蘭、英、美、德、澳等國都經深入廣泛嚴肅地研究檢討,並制定、實施課程改革方案及重新調整評量機制。另就IEA 2003年TIMSS學測成績公布:新加坡取代臺灣,榮獲四冠王,成績最亮麗,全球皆矚目,值得深思、檢討。
英文摘要 In this age of standards and assessments, a curriculum designed for primary and secondary schools is the most significant foundation for educational reform. We should start to strengthen strategies and guidances to align standards, curricula, and assessments. OECD issues yearly educational indicators, benchmarks and standards for policy planning and also indicates some major final outcomes in the PISA. Each country or even county goes through some major dramatic educational changes and challenges along with striking social, political and economic developments. Curriculum innovation has resulted in the redesign and reconstruction of new assessment systems and structures. This paper examines eight countries’ (areas) curriculum reforms. Their outcomes are documented and compared with those of the PISA and TIMSS regarding various cultural educational policies and planning.
頁次 119-147
關鍵詞 國際標準架構 課程改革 評量機制 PISA TIMSS Standards framwork Curriculum reform Assessment systems
卷期 1:1
日期 200509
刊名 課程研究
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司