

篇名 南非高等教育品質保證制度
並列篇名 Quality Assurance System in South African Higher Education
作者 楊瑩 、薛雅寧
中文摘要 本文旨在透過文件分析法及文獻探討來剖析南非高等教育品質保證制度的建構與實施情形。首先,本文先從說明南非的政治與社經環境背景著手,然後再分析南非的教育制度及高等教育現況;其次,在說明南非高等教育品質保證制度建構的緣起與沿革後,接著針對南非現行高等教育品質保證之機構、評鑑的類型、對象、方法及結果進行探討;最後,本文根據研究之結果及其制度之特色做一簡扼的歸納,並嘗試提出我國未來推動高等教育評鑑時可供參考之建言。
英文摘要 This paper, by adopting the methods of document analysis, as well as literature review, mainly aims to explore the quality assurance system of higher education in South Africa. This paper is divided into five sections. In the first section of introduction, this paper starts with a brief analysis of the political and socio-economic development in South Africa. In the second section, this paper tries to explain the development of its educational system, with a focus on its higher education, and the current system and provision of its higher education. After analyzing the development of quality assurance system in higher education in South Africa in the third section, the focus of    the fourth section is on the mechanism of the quality assurance system in South African higher education, including the body responsible for, the types, coverage, procedures, methods, and results of evaluation. Finally, a brief conclusion is drawn, and suggestions based on its implications to Taiwan are proposed in the fifth section.
頁次 33-80
關鍵詞 南非 高等教育 品質保證 高等教育審議會 高等教育品質委員會 South africa Higher education Quality assurance Council on higher education CHE Higher education quality committee HEQC
卷期 3:1
日期 200806
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會