

篇名 山西省部分大学本科教学现状的调查与分析
並列篇名 Investigation Reports on the Status quo of Teaching in Some Colleges and Universities in Shanxi Province
作者 常丽雨
中文摘要 对山西省部分大学本科教学现状的调查结果显示:在教学目标方面,以掌握知识、发展能力等显性目标为主,非理性目标严重缺失;教学内容以传授既成知识为主;教学过程被简化为教师讲授备课内容的过程;师生关系表现出明显的不平等、不民主。主要原因在于宏观方面的科学主义、主知主义、儒家文化的影响,以及微观方面的来自教师、学生自身的因素。
英文摘要 From the investigation on the status quo of college teaching in some colleges and universities in Shanxi province, we have found some problems as the following:Teaching targets are mainly set to grasp knowledge and develop competence etc. , with a great disregard for targets of non─sensibility. Teaching contents usually concentrate on the concluded knowledge and teaching process is simplified only to present the prepared teaching contents. Also the less situation lie in the macro─influences of scientism and Confucius culture, as well as the micro─influences of teachers and students.
頁次 43-47
關鍵詞 教学目标 教学内容 教学过程 师生关系 teaching targets teaching contents teaching process the relationship between teachers and students CSSCI
卷期 3:4
日期 200507
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學