

篇名 内在的崩溃:克尔”多元巨型大学观”述评
並列篇名 The Inner Collapse:Review of Clark Kerr’s Idea of the Multiversity
作者 徐丹
中文摘要 克拉克.克尔提出的”多元巨型大学”是介于观念与理念之间模棱两可的一种哲学表达。克尔将”多元巨型观”的历史逻辑建立在大学发展史中的多元主义传统上,认为现代大学是多元巨型大学,即多元的、异质的、矛盾的机构,类似一座充满无穷变化的城市。这种以多元论为哲学基础的观念要求”内在的崩溃”,对大学理念的传统分析作出了里程碑式的贡献。但是,无论作为观点本身的”多元巨型大学观”,还是它所指向的作为机构的多元巨型大学,都有无法祛除的弱点。
英文摘要 Clark Kerr originated his ambiguous philosophy of “multiversity” between the concept and the idea. “Multiversity” is used neither as a word nor an institution. Based on the historical logic of pluralistic tradition of university history, Clark Kerr held a view that as the “multiversity’ the modern university is like a changeable city, which constitutes of plural different elements full of contradiction. This concept based on pluralism hints an “inner collapse”. It turns over the traditional analysis of the idea of a university. However, either as an idea or an institution, “multiversity” has its irremediable weakness.
頁次 21-31
關鍵詞 克拉克.克尔 idea concept multiversity Clark Kerr 理念 观念 多元巨型大学 CSSCI
卷期 28:6
日期 200712
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學