

篇名 高等教育自学考试网络助学模式的构建和实施
並列篇名 Internet─aided Education of Self─taught Higher Education Examination
作者 武法提 、王建民
中文摘要 社会助学是高等教育自学考试相对薄弱的一个环节,社会助学的改善和发展必然会加强高等教育自学考试的教育功能,逐歩消除由于自学考试制度凸显的考试功能给人们带来的误解。作为自学考试社会助学的重要形式,网络助学是高等教育自学考试适应时代发展的必然选择,网络助学模式对于推动自学考试制度的完善和良性发展具有重要意义。
英文摘要 Social assistance in education is a comparatively weak link in the self─taught higher education examination. The development and improvement of social assistance in education will definitely strengthen the educational functions and eliminate mistakes for focusing only on the examination functions of the self─taught higher education examination. The internet─aided education, as an important form of social assistance in self─taught examination, is the inevitable choice for the development of self─taught higher education examination. And the internet─aided education model has great significance in promoting the improvement of the self─taught examination system.
頁次 14-18
關鍵詞 blended assistance in education internet─aided education education assistance model self─taught higher education examination 混合式助学 网络助学 助学模式 高等教育自学考试 CSSCI
卷期 14:3
日期 200806
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學