

篇名 论反思性教育实践
並列篇名 On Reflective Educational Practice
作者 熊川武
中文摘要 反思性教育实践是教育主体从教育问题出发通过假说与实验等自觉调节自己的教育思想与行为不断提升教育实践合理性使自己获得更大幸福的过程,包括发现问题、观察分析、理论重构与主动实验四个相互联系的环节。它与常规性教育实践对立统一,动态平衡。一方面,它为常规性教育实践注入活力,帮助其优质化目的与行为,使之由量变到质变进入新的发展空间。另一方面,它借助常规性教育实践提供的舞台,验证并积累自己的创造行为所产生的价。反思性教育实践在与常规性教育实践相互依存相互作用的过程中实现价值,并不是完全独立的教育实践形态。
英文摘要 Reflective educational practice is the process in which educational subjects automatically adjust and change their own educational thoughts and behavior and constantly promote the educational rationality and make themselves more happiness through putting forward hypotheses and doing experiments. This process include four interconnected parts:discovering problems, observing and analyzing, theory─reconstructing and doing experiments actively. It is not only against but also for regular educational practice, and keeps the balance of the development. On one hand, it puts the energy into regular educational practice, helps make its goals and behavior better, and makes it enter into a new stage of development;on the other hand, it checks and accumulates the value generated by    its own creative behavior on the stage provided by regular educational practice. Reflective educational practice enriches its own value in the process that is mutually exists with regular educational practice and influences each other. It is not a completely independent education model.
頁次 46-50
關鍵詞 theory─reconstructing problematic experience reflective educational practice 理论重构 问题性经验 反思性教育实践 CSSCI
卷期 19:3
日期 200705
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心