

篇名 致力于更加公平的教育:义务教育政策三十年──基于改革开放30年义务教育政策与法制建设的思考
並列篇名 Towards a More Equal Education:Key Themes in 30-Years of Compulsory Education─Policies and Regulations concerning Compulsory Education since the Reform and Open-door
作者 尹力
中文摘要 改革开放30年来,具有中国特色的义务教育法律体系初歩形成,同时在政策领域,采取了小学升初中免试就近入学、均衡发展政策,针对社会弱势儿童实施了”两免一补”政策、随班就读政策、”两为主”政策等,形成了相对全面的普及和救助政策体系,致力于更加公平的教育是改革开放30年来义务教育政策和法制建设的主旋律,尽管如此,还存在着义务教育发展尚不均衡、弱势儿童的受教育机会尚未得到全面保障等突出问题。为此,要强化政府的义务教育公平责任,建立和完善保护儿童受教育权利的政策和法律机制 ,实现教育公共服务均等化,以保障每一个儿童都能上好学。
英文摘要 30 years since the Reform and Open─door , China has established a system of educational laws with Chinese characteristics. In terms of compulsory education, there are policies and regulations for equal and inclusive basic education for all. For example, progress from primary school to junior secondary schools without examination, coordinated regional development, “two exemptions and one subsidy” for socially disadvantaged children, mainstreaming children with disabilities and children of “flowing population”. Despite so, there are still issues regarding regional disparities in compulsory education provision and the lack of comprehensive safeguarding for educational rights of the disadvantaged children. Hence the government should strengthen its responsibilities in ensuring equality and fairness in education, and enhance its policy and legal framework for safeguarding the children’s rights to education, hence providing equality education for all.
頁次 43-49
關鍵詞 right to education educational equality compulsory education policy compulsory education 受教育权利 教育公平 义务教育政策 义务教育 CSSCI
卷期 29:6
日期 200812
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學