

篇名 每个孩子都重要:英国全面关注处境不利儿童的健康发展
並列篇名 Every Child Matters: New Programmes on the Healthy Development of the Disadvantaged Children in Britain
作者 王璐
中文摘要 以「全纳教育」促进「全纳社会」的发展是布莱尔政府「第三条道路」的重要内容之一,为此,工党政府制订了一系列旨在改善处境不利儿童状况的教育计划,其中2003年颁发的绿皮书「每个孩子都重要:为了孩子的变化」将这些计划进一步系统化和合法化,它提出了儿童发展的五项结果目标,提出了对全社会儿童服务体系的整合。本文将对上述内容作简要介绍和评论,以期引起国内同行对有关弱势群体教育问题的关注。
英文摘要 “Inclusive education” for “inclusive society” is one of the important dimensions of the “Third Way” ideology of the New Labour government. It has issued a series of educational programmes to improve the well-being of the disadvantaged groups. Amongst the 2003 Green Paper “Every Child Matters: Change for Children” put forward five outcomes for the well-being of children and strategies for the integrated services for children. This paper describes and comments on the above contents in order to arouse awareness of other colleagues of the issues concerning disadvantaged groups.
頁次 23-28
關鍵詞 英国 处境不利儿童 全纳 Britain disadvantaged children inclusive CSSCI
卷期 26:10
日期 200510
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所