

篇名 终身学习视野下学校教育与社会培训的沟通及衔接
並列篇名 Connecting and Coordinating between School Education and Societal training from the Perspective of Lifelong Learning
作者 吴晓义
中文摘要 终身学习是在终身教育思想基础上形成的一种强调学习者的主体地位、主张为社会成员终生不断的学习提供个性化服务的教育理念,其推广和实施必然要求充分利用各种社会资源的教育功能,实现学校教育与社会培训的沟通及衔接。为此,既要学习发达国家的成功经验,注重政府推动及法制建设,充分利用各种社会资源,建立学习成果价与互认制度,提供研究与支持性服务;又要从中国的国情出发,将国家行政干预与市场调节机制有机结合,作为现阶段构建我国终身学习体系的路径选择。
英文摘要 Lifelong learning is an educational idea stressing learner’s subjectivity and offering personalized services for the lifelong learning of members of members of society. The dissemination and implementation of this idea require making full use of various social forces and the connection and the connection and better communication between school education and societal training, which in turn require not only the learning of successful experiences of other countries, the change of governmental behaviors in the building of the legal system, the good usage of social resources, the establishment of regulations for evaluations and accreditations, the provision of supporting service and research, but also the sound alignment of government intervention to market mechanism, as the pathway towards a system of life—long learning in a Chinese context.
頁次 32-41
關鍵詞 终身学习 学校教育 社会培训 CSSCI
卷期 5:3
日期 200707
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學