

篇名 学术与人生—解读舒新城和他的道尔顿研究
並列篇名 Knowledge and Life:Interpretation of Shu Xin—Cheng and His Research on Dalton Plan
作者 于述胜
中文摘要 生于晚清而活跃于20世纪二三十年代的教育学家舒新城,是带着新、旧教育经验的矛盾冲突走上学术之路的。对于传统教育方式的留恋,使他对道尔顿制一见钟情;又是道尔顿制的语言,使他为那种情感找到了现代性的学术表达。舒新城的道尔顿制研究,是在传统与现代、情感与理智、中国与西方的张力联系中展开的,不能归结为简单的西化行为。尽管在表面看来,五四前后盛行的包括道尔顿制在内的很多新教育试验,具有中国新教育最西化的形式。
英文摘要 Being born in the late Qing Dynasty and active in the 1920s—30s, Shu Xin—cheng started his academic life with conflicts between the old and new experiences in education. With a bittersweet longing for traditional educational methods, he was deeply attracted by Doltan Plan at first sight. It is the language of Dalton Plan that made him find an academic expression for his feelings with modernity. Shu conducted his research on Dalton Plan in the tensions between the traditional and the modern, between the sense and sensibility, and, between China and the West. Therefore, his thoughts cannot be simply attributed to the act of Westernization, even though many new educational experiments including Dalton Plan before and after the May Fourth Movement were superficially of the forms of Westernization to the most degree.
頁次 108-117
關鍵詞 舒新城 道尔顿制 传统与现代 中国与西方 CSSCI
卷期 5:4
日期 200710
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學