

篇名 问题意愿、人格特征与教育创新中的创造力培养
並列篇名 Problem Awareness, Personality Character and Creativity-Cultivating
作者 余国良 、侯瑞鹤
中文摘要 教育创新是时代和社会发展对学校教育提出的基本要求。然而,目前的教育现状,一方面是社会对创造性人才的渴求,一方面却是学生提不出问题,缺乏问题意识。本文从心理学的视角阐释了问题意识的概念、影响问题意识的因素、与问题意识相关的人格特征及其相互关系,基于此,我们把教学理念、教学气氛、教学过程作为创造力培养的突破口,即教学理念:从注重”学”转变为关注”问”;教学气氛;教学气氛:机活问题意识,增强学生提出问题的动机;教学过程:培养问题意识,提高提出问题的能力。一句话,创造力培养是教育创新的根本目标。
英文摘要 Educational innovation is required of school education by times and society. However, our present educational status shows a gap between the demand and supply of creative person, and students can’t pose their own problems by lack of problem awareness. From psychology perspective, this article emphasizes on explaining psychological mechanism of problem awareness, factors influencing problem awareness, personality character related to problem awareness and the relationship among them. Accordingly, we consider teaching idea, teaching atmosphere and teaching process as a breakthrough of creativity-cultivating. That is a) Teaching idea: Teachers should change their focus from ”learning” to “questioning”; b) Teaching atmosphere: Teachers should build creative teaching atmosphere in order to trigger students’ problem awareness and strengthen their motivation of problem-posing; c) Teaching process: Teachers should cultivate students’ problem awareness and improve their problem-posing ability. In conclusion, creativity-cultivating is a fundamental goal of educational innovation.
頁次 11-15
關鍵詞 问题意识 人格特征 教育创新 创造力培养 problem awareness personality character educational innovation creativity-cultivating CSSCI
卷期 1:4
日期 200307
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學