

篇名 《淨土聖賢錄》敘事模式分析
並列篇名 Analysis on Narration of Record of Pure Land Saints
作者 傅楠梓(Fu, Nan-tzu)
中文摘要 清代彭希涑編撰的《淨土聖賢錄》九卷,記錄中國歷代淨土修行者由凡入聖的生命歷程,是一部淨土信仰者的往生傳記總集。本文以敘事脈絡的角度來分析《淨土聖賢錄》的敘事模式,分別由敘事視角、敘事結構、敘事時空、人物的性格與對話等四方面,來討論本錄形成的敘事模式。了解《淨土聖賢錄》的鍊式結構、視角的變化、時空的轉換以及人物的塑造都以彰顯淨土教的主題,塑造歷代往生淨土聖賢的群像,達到勸信眾生為目的。
英文摘要 The nine volumes of “Record of Pure Land Saints”, written by Xi-Su Peng in the Ching Dynasty, recorded the life progress of how Pure Land practicers from China became saints,which were the anthology of Pure Land believers’ rebirth memoirs. This thesis analyzed and discussed the narration of “Record of Pure Land Saints” from the perspective of narrative context, including narrative perspective, narrative structure, narrative time and space,characters’ personality, and characters’ conversations. The chain structure, change of perspective, transformation of time and space, and character creation of “Record of Pure Land
Saints” manifested the theme of Pure Land Practice and created the images of reborn Pure Land saints in order to reach the purpose of enlightening all living creatures.
頁次 047-068
關鍵詞 淨土 往生傳 敘事模式 Pure Land Buddhism biography Narrative Mode
卷期 45:2
日期 201110
刊名 人文與社會研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學