

篇名 美国磁石学校领导力教育研究--以科布斯领导力磁石小学为例
並列篇名 The Study of Leadership Education in America Magnet Schools--Take the A.B. Combs Leadership Magnet Elementary School in America as an Example
作者 臧玲玲 、桂勤
中文摘要 磁石学校是美国公立学校的一种特殊形式,它的特色在于提供新颖、个性化的课程。其中,领导力教育是磁石学校特色课程的一种。科布斯小学是全美第一所以领导力培养为主题的磁石小学,自1999年选择这一主题以来,它从一所入学率低、发展停滞的学校发展为2008年全美最优秀的六所磁石学校之一。本文介绍了科布斯小学领导力教育的理念、实施内容和方法、支持资源,并分析了科布斯小学领导力教育取得成功的原因。
英文摘要 The magnet school is one of special form in America public schools and its feature is to provide innovative curriculum. Leadership education is one of magnet school curricula. A.B. Combs Leadership Magnet Elementary School is the nation's first elementary school whose theme is leadership education. After choosing this theme in 1999, the school became one of the top six magnet schools in the nation by the US Department of Education in 2008. This article studies the concept of leadership, the implementation of the content and methods, support resources, to analyze the reason for the success of Combs.
頁次 60-64
關鍵詞 磁石学校 领导力教育 科布斯小学 Magnet Schools Leadership Education A.B. Combs Leadership Magnet Elementary School
卷期 7:8
日期 201008
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學