

篇名 清末民间中学教科书的编译与审定
並列篇名 The Compilation and Approbation of Non-Governmental Middle School Textbook in the Late Qing Dynasty
作者 李娟
中文摘要 清末新学制的颁布促进了中学教科书的编译,形成官、私分编教科书的局面。以商务印书馆为代表的民间出版机构编译的中学教科书,注重编写的科学性、体例的创新性、内容的进步性,成为新式中学教科书的范本,并受到清政府的审定。我国当今的基础教育改革,改革教材单一渠道发行的体制,实行国家指导下的教材多样化和对中小学教材审定制,这与清末民间教科书的编译与审定形成了一种历史的回响与印证。
英文摘要 The promulgation of New Education System of the late Qing dynasty form a situation that the compilation of middle school textbook divided into two parts: governmental and non-governmental. The textbooks are compiled by non-governmental press organizations which represented by the Commercial Press focus on the scientific of the compilation, the innovation of style, the progress of content, and become a new model for secondary school textbooks, it also get the approbation of Qing Dynasty. Nowadays Chinese basic education reform which reform the single press system of textbook and implement diversity of textbook under the guidance of the government and the approbation system form a kind of historical response and seal with late Qing Dynasty’s measurements.
頁次 54-57
關鍵詞 清末民间 中学教科书 编译 审定 non-government of the late Qing Dynasty textbook in middle school compilation approbation
卷期 6:7
日期 200907
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學