

篇名 日本社会结构的变化与教育改革的方向--—从终身学习的角度看学校教育改革的方向
並列篇名 The Change of Social Structure and the Direction of Educational Reform in Japan--On the Direction of Schooling Reform from the Perspective of Lifelong Learning
作者 牧野笃
中文摘要 泡沫经济破裂之后,日本社会出现雇用劣质化等现象。这就带来以终身雇用和论资排辈为主的所谓日本式雇用方式的崩溃。其根本原因在于日本社会的经济结构从产业社会到消费社会的转变。也可以说是从以积累为主的阶层型结构向以流动为主的平滑型结构的社会变化。日本社会应该追求的不是议论典型雇用与非典型雇用的对错,而是要创造不论典型雇用或非典型雇用,谁都能在[工作]上做自己人生的主人翁,以及可以得到尽可能的保障的社会。基于这样的观点,需要的是不论典型与非典型,只要同样的劳动就能获得同样工资的制度,以及使自己的生活稳定,并赋予能力而能用自身的力量去过认可的人生的教育与学习机会的保障。为了将整个社会改变为新的社会,要培养能够适应此种社会的变化并肩负促进社会的[知的循环]和[知的创造]而创造出新的社会价值的人才,学校教育必须将自己组织结构改变为平滑的流动的能够创造出新价值的结构。
英文摘要 In the prolonged recession, Japanese society is facing a situation that can be called employment deterioration. It has been brought on by the dismantlement of the so-called Japanese-style employment practices. However, a structural conversion from a social economy based on the "stock" to one based on the "flow" exists in the background. In such social circumstances, we have to create a structure of employment that eliminates the distinction between regular employment and non-regular employment, and offer people the learning programs that give the individual the powers that can make them recognize themselves as a part of life in this society, and can have them discover the meaning of their existence in relation to others. In this situation, the school system also has to be changed from such as based on the knowledge-stock structure to such as based on the knowledge-circulation structure. In this sense, we are facing the challenge to construct new learning based society.
頁次 3-39
關鍵詞 雇用劣质化 [工作] 终身学习 [流动] Employment Deteriotation "Work" Lifelong Learning "Flow"
卷期 7:4
日期 201004
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學