

篇名 當「神經科學」遇上「幼兒教育」─省思與重現幼兒教育課程與教學之理路
並列篇名 Applying [Brain-Based Educational Theory] in Reconstructing Curriculum and Instruction —Starting from Early Childhood Education
作者 吳樎椒 、張宇樑
中文摘要 腦與心智的關係,在科學研究中已擁有相當長久的歷史,而其研究的結果持續揭開人類大腦的奧秘,也不斷的刷新人們傳統中對大腦的認知,更進一步的提供人類深入省思生命的意義與生存的價值。大腦發展與學習理論從美國發跡在世界各地被廣為討論與應用,其理論與哲學旨在以近年來大腦研究之結果去提出在學校教育中支持與發展教學策略的改進方向。身為教育工作者應先深入瞭解大腦的運作與學習的歷程,掌握影響孩子心智與大腦發展的因素,才能設計出真正適合每一個學生的課程與教學。本文透過文獻之評析,以開啟機會之窗的「幼兒教育」為中心,探討大腦學習與人類行為的生理基礎、大腦研究對幼兒教育哲學之省思、以大腦知識與研究為基礎的教學原則與策略等三大方向,冀能提供基石以重新省思幼兒教育課程與教學的理念與實務。
英文摘要 The relationship of brain and mind has been researched, and the achievements of the past century have been remarkable in every way to reveal the mystery of human brains. Accordingly, only keep renewing people’s knowledge of their brains constantly, human beings can go deep into the reflection of their lives and the value of being alive. Recently, brain-based educational theory, which has been first conceptualized in the United States, is discussed and applied extensively worldwide. Its theory and philosophy, according to the brain research, are to provide the support and development of instructional principles and strategies for the current educational reform. Consequently, a competent educator should understand human brains’ functions and their learning progress in depth and know significant factors on the development of children’s minds and brains in order to design appropriate curriculum and instruction for every single and unique child. This study reviews and summarizes concepts relating to the human brain that speak to vidual uniqueness derived from neuroscience and educational research of the past several decades. Centering on the window of opportunities, Early Childhood Education, three main themes are discussed: “exploring the physiological foundation of brain-based learning and human behaviors”, “rethinking the implication of brain-based research in early childhood education”, and “reconstructing instructional principles and strategies based on the brain knowledge and research”. All these efforts are to ensure that the knowledge of the brain research will provide the pathway of rethinking and renewing the curriculum and instruction for all children in improving their learning.
頁次 049-066
關鍵詞 大腦發展與學習 幼兒教育 課程與教學 Brain-based Educational Theory Brain-based Learning Early Childhood Education Curriculum and Instruction
卷期 1
日期 200803
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系