

篇名 大学教师流动的微观机制分析:一种组织社会学的视角
並列篇名 Analysis of Micro-System of Teacher Mobility in University: In the Perspective of the Sociology of Organizations
作者 龚波 、周鸿
中文摘要 当从宏观层面对大学教师流动的分析难以响应现实情境下的诸多问题时,一种动态的、全景式的、社会性的微观机制的考察就成为一种积极选择,也成为改进大学管理的理性追问。而以探究「组织与社会之关系」为己任的组织社会学自当对大学组织的教师流动现象和过程提供特殊而内在的解释力:从流动实质上讲,兼具「社会人」和「学术人」双重性格的大学教师与大学之间存在一种主观与客观的「人和组织」的博弈关系;从过程上讲,大学教师流动经历了酝酿阶段、讨价还价阶段、流动执行阶段和反馈阶段等过程,不同阶段各方力量的行动策略也有不同;从针对性建议上讲,大学教师流动要从教师自身层面、大学层面、国家层面及微观管理层面等,加以完善和改进,其中既有理念上的也有现实上的,有管理上的也有文化上的。
英文摘要 The macro analysis of teacher mobility in university can not respond to many actual problems, while a dynamic, social and panoramic micro analysis is a better choice. It is also a reasonable way to improve the management in university. As a science to study the relationship between organization and society, the sociology of organizations should provide particular and inner ability to explain the phenomenon and process of teacher mobility in university: as for the essence of teacher mobility, the relationship between teachers, who have the character of both “social person” and “academic person”, and universities is a game relationship of the subjective “individual” and the objective “organization”; as for the process of teacher mobility in university, it consists of four stages: brewing, bargaining, executing and feedback. Each part involved has a different action strategy in each stage; as for pertinent suggestions, teacher mobility in university needs improving in the aspects of the teachers themselves, the universities, the nation and the micro-management, not only ideally but also practically, not only in management but also in culture.
頁次 37-46
關鍵詞 人事管理 大学教师 教师流动过程 微观机制 组织社会学 个人与组织博弈 Personnel management Teachers in university The process of teacher mobility Micro-system The sociology of organizations Game between individual and organization CSSCI
卷期 3:1
日期 200702
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學