

篇名 商職學校轉型的需求分析:從學生進路發展的觀點
並列篇名 The Need Analysis of Transformation of Commercial High Schools: The Instructional Guidance of Students
作者 周春美(Chou, Chun-mei)
中文摘要 近年來國內商業職業學校,整體而言,面臨招生不足的問題;又由於國內即將於九十五學年度所實施的新課程,屆時商職課程結構與綜合高中相仿,學生及課程兩者之間差距減少,面對教育環境生態的變遷,商職學校永續經營已成為當前課題。本研究以此為旨趣,運用灰預測及深度訪談法,分析教育環境中,高中職商業類科學生人數的變動情形,並預測未來五年商職學生在升四技二專類科及業界缺工需求變遷趨勢,並透過深度訪談,探討技職校院教師對於商職學校轉型及人力培育的看法,最後提出商職學校在學校轉型及類科調整的建議,以作為參考。
英文摘要 In recent years, vocational high schools have faced following trends, including more and more junior high school students attend to comprehensive high schools, more opportunities of further studies and decrease of employees need of enterprises. Those changes influenced by environmental changes affect development of curriculum, and in 2006 the coherent curriculum in technological and vocational education will be implemented so the curriculum structure will be similar to that of senior high schools. Hence, this study explores how vocational high schools of commerce transform and adjust departments when students graduate from vocational high school in 2008, and how schools design or adjust curriculum based on learners' learning character, expectation for further studies, job need and essence of curriculum standard. To achieve these goals, gray prediction and depth interview are used to analyze the change of the number of students in secondary schools and vocational high schools of commerce, and to predict the change of the number of vocational high school of commerce graduates attending to four-year institutes of technologies or junior college and emp1oyee need of enterprises. In addition, depth interview is used to discuss opinions of vocational schools teachers on transformation of vocational high schools of commerce and cultivating talents. At last, the study offers methods of school transformation and department adjustment for vocational high schools of commerce as reference.
頁次 79-102
關鍵詞 商業教育 學校轉型 灰色預測 Commercial education School transformation Gray prediction TSSCI
卷期 25
日期 200512
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系