

篇名 我們要識字:一群國小補校中高齡婦女學生的課程觀
並列篇名 We Want to Become Literate: Senior Women Students' Perspectives of Supplementary School Curriculum
作者 黃鴻文(Huang, Horng-Wen) 、武曉梅(Wu, Hsiao-Mei)
中文摘要 本研究以一群國小補校中高齡婦女學生為對象,運用民族誌研究法,描述她們對學校課程的看法,並以一典型案例,理解形成此種看法的社會文化脈絡。她們以識字為求學的主要目的,將課程分為有字的與沒字的課,前者是能幫她們識字的課,包括國語、社會、自然、生倫與唱歌;後者則為英文與數學,無法協助她們識字。此種課程觀是性別與階級結構交錯影響下的產物。她們來自下層階級家庭,經濟狀況不佳,女生在重男輕女觀念的影響下失學,直到年紀老大,子女成長、經濟穩定後,才能讀書,得以重塑自我與開展新生活。在人生最後階段,她們得以突破結構的限制,固然突顯個體的主體性,然而,教育在此過程中,只扮演被動與輔助的角色,值得教育人員反思。
英文摘要 This research describes curriculum perspectives of a group of senior women students in a supplementary school in Taipei. With long term observation and indepth interview, the results indicate that the women students focus their learning on learning words and related activities on the one hand, and ignore the curriculum content which they cannot learn new words on the other. Based on a typical case analysis of a senior working class woman student, it is confirmed that even the woman have chance to reshape their own gender identity and construct a new style of life after studying in the supplementary school, but patriarchic and class structures indeed limit the woman’s educational opportunities for more than fifty years.
頁次 69-110
關鍵詞 中高齡婦女學生 課程觀 成人識字 性別與階級 Senior woman students Curriculum perspective Adult literacy Gender and class TSSCI
卷期 7:1
日期 200706
刊名 臺灣教育社會學研究
出版單位 臺灣教育社會學學會