

篇名 上海建设学习型城市的实践与探索 ─ 在”2008世界开放与远程教育论坛”上的主题报告
並列篇名 Practice and Exploration for Building Learning City in Shanghai
作者 薛明扬
中文摘要 上海自1999年在国内率先提出建设学习型城市以来,一直在积极探索如何建设一个能够满足经济社会发展需求的学习型城市,以便让市民充分享受现代化教育与文化发展的成果。今天,我非常荣幸地和各位在这里分享上海建设学习型城市的经验和体会。我的演讲将主要围绕上海建设学习型城市的缘由、实践与探索,以及进一歩的思考等三个方面展开。
英文摘要 Mr. Xueming Yang, male, born in April 1953, is currently the director of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. In 1982, he graduated from Department of History in Jiangxi Normal University and then he became a tutor and lecturer at Jiangxi Normal University. He obtained his Masters in 1987 and Ph. D in 1998 at Fudan University. From April to December 1995, as visiting scholar, he went to the University of Kanagawa in Japan. He once was appointed the deputy secretary of the Culture and Museum School in Fudan University vice president of the Party Committee of Ministers of the organization department, deputy director of the Office of the Party Committee, director of the Party Committee of Ministers of the Organization Department in Fudan University Vice ─ Chancellor. In June 2004, he was appointed the Party committee secretary of Shanghai Science and Technology University. In March 2008, he was appointed director of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission.
頁次 59-61
卷期 14:6
日期 200812
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學