

篇名 冷水生物群
作者 李春生
中文摘要 居住在年平均温度通常接近0℃的冷水体的一群生物,称为冷水生物群。通常这样的冷水体存在于极区的海洋及任何海洋之深处(约超过2000公尺)。所以冷水生物群又可再细分为极区冷水生物群及深海冷水生物群二类。二者均具有指示低温之意义存在。在地质记录中,极区一定靠近高纬度,所以极区冷水生物群比深海冷水生物群,易于辨认。在地质记录中之深海冷水生物群依「均变说」之原理,可尝试利用其现生代表种之有关知识,逆推出化石种之生活习性及环境而加以确认。但是极区冷水生物群除了藉助于「均变说」外,亦可利用重建古生物地理之方法来确认。一般古生物地理之重建则基于(1)大规模之形态变化梯度,像有孔虫之左、右弦之比例,腹足类之壳顶的特征及珊瑚之生长速率。(2)大规模之多样变化梯度,此取决于一个样本中有多少相异种类(3)大规模之地化变化梯度,像同位素之比及矿物成分变异等,及(4)生物之相似性,此取决于生物成员之出现或不出现,以便计算出相似程度之高低。
英文摘要 A cold water biota is here defined as organisms living in water with an annual mean temperature of nearly 0℃. Since such cold water is present in both the polar oceans and deep seas (approximatel 2000 meters in depth), both polar cold water biota and deep sea cold water biota are differentiated. Either biota can be used as an indicator of low temperature. In the geological record, owing to its remarkable latitudianal dependence, the polar cold water biota may be more easily recognized than the deep sea cold biota. The recognition of deep sea cold water biota is approached by unifqrmitarianism in that we can infer the environment and mode of life of fossils from the knowledge of living representatives. However the polar cold water biota can be recognized either by a uniformitarian approach or by a palepbiogeographic approach. The reconstruction of palepbiogography is based on (1) Large scale morphological gradients, including the coiling directional ratio of foraminifers, the apical features of gastropods and growth rate of corals, (2) Large scale diversity gradients which utilize the absolute number of taxa in each sample, (3) Large scale geochemical gradients, including isotope ratios and differences of mineralogical composition, and (4) Biotic similarity which involves the degree of resemblance of biotic content according to the presence and absence of taxa.
頁次 531-547
卷期 33:1
日期 1988
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學