

篇名 孟子人格與習慣領域探析
並列篇名 The Personality and Habitual Domains of Mencius
作者 林綉亭( Lin,Hsiu-ting)
中文摘要 本篇論文以孟子的人格特質與習慣領域為研究方向。孟子在先秦諸子中,儒家重要繼承與發揚者。在兩千多年前,即提出「民貴君輕」、「以民為貴」、「生於憂患,死於安樂」超越時代的思想與言論。孟子偉大思想與人格,與孟母擇善固執的教養方式與作為有密切關係。孟子屬於「九型人格」完美主義者,其人格的核心電網是重原則、守秩序、求完美,驅動孟子凡事要盡心盡力,選擇要「做正確」、「做對」的事。在核心電網驅動下,孟子表現是非、善惡分明,以超高標準的道德觀來衡量世間的一切,他表現出來的習慣領域是:活在不能沒有完美的表象、努力打造養生死喪的理想世界、不斷為理想和現實奮鬥、強調生命價值與意義。
英文摘要 This study explored the personality traits and habitual domains of Mencius. Among the philosophers of the Hundred Schools of Thought during the pre-Qin Dynasty era, Mencius was the primary successor and developer of Confucianism. Two thousand years ago, Mencius had already proposed ideologies and discourses that were highly advanced for the period. These ideologies comprised concepts, such as “the interests of citizen exceed those of the monarch in importance”, “prioritizing ordinary citizens” and “life originates from sorrow and calamity, but complacency and pleasure lead to death”. The transcendent ideologies and personality of Mencius were closely related to the teaching style that was adopted by his mother, who chose and persisted in exceptional conduct. Mencius is considered the Enneagram Type 1 personality (i.e., Perfectionist). His core circuit patterns demonstrate the adherence to principles and order and the pursuit of perfection. Mencius comported himself according to these ideals, dedicated to justice and goodness in his daily conduct. Driven by his core circuit pattern, Mencius was able to distinguish right from wrong, good from evil, and measured everything in the world according to this high moral standard. The habitual domains of Mencius comprise striving for perfection, practicing filial piety, fighting for ideals and excellence, and emphasizing the value and meaning of life.
頁次 031-050
關鍵詞 孟子 九型人格 完美主義 習慣領域 電網 Mencius Enneagram perfectionist Habitual Domain Circuit patterns
卷期 5:1
日期 201311
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會