

篇名 首次離家大學女生對家的觀感一初探研究
並列篇名 First-time leave-home college freshwomen’s perception of home —a pilot study
作者 邱珍琬(Jane Chiu)
中文摘要 首次離家外宿之後,大一女生對家的感受都有衝擊與改變,基本上對獨立生活有 擔心,然而物理空間的距離,也讓她們檢視了自己與家之間的關係以及家對她們的意 義。「家」的意義在離家之後都做了適當修正,慢慢將理想作適當修整,也開始願意 主動積極作一些改變。家人關係、家人對待、與家庭氣氛都影響參與者對自我的看法 與價值,她們也自中得到「賦能」。
英文摘要 First-time leave-home experiences had great impact on these freshwomen. Although with some worry, they benefited from the physical distance in which they could reexamine their relationships with original families and redefine the meanings of home. The meanings of home were modified and adjusted from idealistic to realistic ones. They also actively involved in changing the current situation. Family relationships and treatments, along with family atmosphere, had impact on these participants self-identities, and reversely, they were also empowered from the experiences.
頁次 031-058
關鍵詞 首次離家 大一女生 對家的觀感 first-time leave-home college freshwomen perception of home
卷期 19
日期 201106
刊名 彰化師大教育學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所