

篇名 心理学相关理论在学困生教育中的应用
並列篇名 Application of Psychological Theory in the Education of Student with Studying Deficiency in Primary and Second Schools
作者 郭建耀
中文摘要 "学困生\"作为中小学校的一个特殊群体客观存在,如何对其进行有效教育,是当前亟需解决的教育问题。本文旨在通过对\"学困生\"在新课程背景下的特征进行分析,并利用情感智力理论、暗示效应、归因理论、多元智能理论等相关心理学理论,寻找促进"学困生\"发展的有效教育途径。
英文摘要 Students with studying deficiency exist as a group in primary and secondary schools. How to educate students with studying deficiency is a problem needs to be solved urgently. Based on the analyses of the students' characteristics under the new curriculum background, this paper takes advantage of the emotion-intelligence education theory, the suggestion effect theory, the attribution theory, the multi-dimensional intelligence theory and other correlation education theory, looking for effective educational approaches to promote the development of student with studying deficiency.
頁次 102-107
關鍵詞 心理学理论 学困生 教育 psychological theory students with studying deficiency education
卷期 9:6
日期 201212
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學