

篇名 国学对少年儿童教育影响的调查分析报告
並列篇名 A Survey Analysis Report: The Influence of Chinese Traditional Culture on Young Children's Education
作者 延玥 、刘建
中文摘要 本文以调查问卷的形式,对南京三所小学参加暑期国学启蒙班的学生家长进行了一次调查。调查结果显示,当今诸多因素限制了少年儿童对国学的学习,阻碍了孩子们对国学的接触与了解。因此需协调全社会的力量,共同为少年儿童营造一个良好的学习国学的氛围,使国学更好地在少年儿童当中普及。
英文摘要 This paper based on the questionnaire, investigate on the parents of students who take part in the Summer Chinese Enlightenment Camp. According to the results of the survey, nowadays many factors that restrict the young children to learn to or contact with understanding to the traditional culture. So all the social forces need to coordinate to construct a better atmosphere of learning Chinese traditional culture for young children, and make a better popularize in the young children.
頁次 041-046
關鍵詞 国学 少年儿童 教育 影响 Traditional Culture Young Children Education Influence
卷期 7:11
日期 201011
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學