

篇名 科技輔具對低視力病患生活品質與獨立行動能力的影響
並列篇名 QOL and Independent Mobility of Low Vision Patients Through Prescribing Assistive Devices
作者 鄭靜瑩(Cheng Ching-ying)
中文摘要 本研究的目的在探討六位不同視覺損傷的實驗組病患適合的科技輔具配置方式,另一方面亦比較實驗組與控制組兩組病患,在研究介入前後,其生活品質與獨立行動能力上的差異。研究分別以六位低視力病患為實驗組與控制組,以NEI-VFQ-25與IMQ-39兩份量表為研究工具,分別評量十二位低視力病患的生活品質與獨立行動能力。研究結果顯示,在六位實驗組低視力病患中,有五位分別以屈光矯正鏡片、稜鏡鏡片、稜鏡貼膜、濾鏡片、放大鏡、望遠鏡反轉、電腦設定、滑鼠指標設定、與視覺訓練等方式,改善其視力、視野與應用視覺的能力,並對病患的行動體態、畏光現象、眼神異常、形象對比與立體視覺等有所幫助。其中一位實驗組病患因對光學輔具的調適與學習問題,僅以手杖及眼球代償掃視訓練改善其行動上的困擾。此外,六位實驗組研究對象在科技輔具介入前後,其NEI-VFQ-25與IMQ-39兩份量表的得分均達顯著差異;而在實驗組與控制組的比較方面,在科技輔具介入後,兩組研究對象在兩份量表中的得分亦達顯著差異,顯示科技輔具對低視力病患在生活品質與獨立行動上的助益。文末研究亦對低視力病患之輔具配置、生活品質與獨立行動能力,以及未來研究方向做出建議。
英文摘要 There were two purposes in the study: (1) investigating the methods of prescribing assistive devices for low vision patients; (2) analyzing the quality of life and independent mobility of low vision patients before and after prescription. Otherwise, NEI-VFQ-25 and IMQ-39 were utilized to evaluate and compare QOL and independent mobility between experimental- and control-group.The findings indicated that, five of the patients in experimental-group had made progress not only in vision, visual field, functional vision, but also in their pose, photophobia symptoms, ocular alignment, contrast vision, and stereopsis vision with corrective lenses,
prism glasses, press-on Fresnel prism segments, filter lenses,magnifiers, telescope reversal,computer or mouse cursors setting, or visual training. Only one patient was prescribed just a long cane because of his ability, O&M and ocular compensatory saccade training were instead.Furthermore, both of the tools in the study showed statistical significant difference
between pre- and pose-test in experimental-group, and both groups also showed statistical significant difference after prescription. It meant that assistive devices intervention would be helpful to low vision patients in QOL and independent mobility. Finally, suggestions for
low vision students´ prescription, QOL and independent mobility, and the implication for future studies are provided.
頁次 043-064
關鍵詞 生活品質 低視力 科技輔具 獨立行動能力 assistive devices independent mobility low vision patients quality of life
卷期 22
日期 201006
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系