

篇名 我國資訊教育政策之發展與省思─以歷史軌跡探討我國資訊教育史
並列篇名 The development and reflection of information educational policy in Taiwan—using historical path to see information educational policy's history
作者 湯梓辰
中文摘要 本文主要以歷史、政策推動、實踐者的角度探討我國資訊教育政策的發展。以歷史的角度觀看:我國資訊教育政策的研究及實驗發展是從上至下發展,從大學開始,向下紮根致高中、高職、國中、及國小。以政策推動的權力角度來看:資訊教育的推動是採強制的由上而下,意旨著資訊教育的推動都是由教育部或是省市廳局提出政策,再由地方統一執行。而以實踐者的研究角度觀看:資訊教育政策卻造成了政策者與實踐者的兩個斷層世界。綜合以上所述,本文希望透過文獻分析探討三個議題:一、我國資訊教育的起源及其歷史軌跡、二、我國資訊教育政策之推動、以及三、我國資訊教育在教育局/地區、學校、教師、及學生之間的應用及融入。
英文摘要 This paper is mainly focused on different angles in information educational policy. By the historical angle, the information educational policy developed from top to bottom, starting from the university, and then downward sends into the high school, the junior high, and elementary school. By the policy authority angle, the information education also impetus from top to bottom, it means the information education's impetus is proposes by the Ministry of Education and perhaps the provinces and cities hall, and then unifies to the places. By practitioner's research angle, the information educational policy has actually created the policy's and practitioner's two fault world.Above the synthesis states, this article is hoped to discuss the following three important issues:    
1. The origin and historical path of our country's information education.
2. The Impetus of our country information educational policy.
3. The information education integrated and applied in the Bureau of Education, the school, the teacher, and student.
頁次 057-076
關鍵詞 教育改革 資訊教育政策 歷史軌跡 The Education Reform The information educational policy the historical path
卷期 2
日期 201012
刊名 臺灣教育發展論壇
出版單位 新竹教育大學教育學系