

篇名 英語畢業門檻相關規定之需求研究:技職大學生的看法
並列篇名 Graduation Threshold of English Competency: A Needs Analysis from the Perspective of Technological Institute Students
作者 蘇紹雯(Su, Shao-wen)
中文摘要 為提高學生畢業後升學或就業之競爭能力,已有越來越多之大專院校利用英語檢定考試,以評估學生的英語文能力,甚至作為畢業之門檻。面對此門檻設立的熱潮,技職院校學生的態度如何,是值得關切與探討的。本研究透過問卷調查與統計計量方式,以技術學院二技、四技大學生的觀點,調查學生對英檢門檻之看法與需求,並橫向地分析學生之基本資料變數對此議題的態度與需求之影響。本研究發現,技職院校大學生的英語檢定的經驗普遍不足,通過率也極度的低落。然,大多數學生意見偏向於贊成門檻的設立。另外,學生各項基本資料自變數,普遍不會影響到學生對英語檢定門檻措施之態度與需求,顯見學生看法的一致性。因此,畢業門檻之訂定應是可行之舉。惟,從學生對鼓勵、獎勵措施的偏好程度,高於硬性檢測與補修英語課程的規定之結果,仍可窺出學生對畢業門檻的疑慮與不安。本研究提出相關之配套措施,供學校當局訂定英檢門檻規定之參考。
英文摘要 In the recent years here in Taiwan forms a trend that more and more institutions evaluate students' English competency and even set up a graduation threshold of English competency by means of standardized English proficiency tests. The endeavors to do so are grounded in a hope that after graduation their students will become more competitive in the workforce or further study. It is worth exploring as to how students in technological and vocational system face this trend. This paper aims to investigate their attitudes toward and needs of the graduation threshold. Students (2-year and 4-year) at an institute of science and technology are sampled for this research. A questionnaire is used as a tool to collate data for statistical analyses. Students' variables based on their information are also analysed to see if the variables influence their attitudes. The findings of this research indicate that the students are, by and large, lack of experiences in joining standardized English proficiency tests and the rate of passing the tests is extremely low. Students' attitudes toward and their needs in the threshold regulation are quite uniform. This result derives from the finding that students' basic information does not influence their attitudes. An implication that the regulation of graduation threshold could be feasible can be drawn from the finding that a majority of the students tends to favor the implementation of the graduation threshold. However, students' favorable attitude toward an encouraging and rewarding mechanism or measure having to yet properly set up in place is significantly higher than that toward compulsory regulations of graduation threshold and make-up classes. This finding indicates that the students are likely to be of unease and anxiety toward the threshold implementation. Recommendations are made at the end of this paper for complementary measure and mechanism contributed to successfully implementing a threshold regulation.
頁次 47-66
關鍵詞 技術學院 英語畢業門檻 需求分析 Institute of science and Technology Graduation threshold of English competency Needs analysis TSSCI
卷期 24
日期 200506
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系