

篇名 不同識字教學法對國小低年級學生識字教學成效之研究
並列篇名 The Effects of Different Word Recognition Teaching Methods for Lower Grade Elementary School Students
作者 張新仁(Chang, Shin-jen) 、韓孟蓉(Han, Meng-jung)
中文摘要 本研究主要在探討不同識字教學法對國小低年級普通班學生的識字學習成效。研究對象以兩班二年級學生為對象,分別採用「小單元集中識字教學法」與「分散識字教學法」,進行八週的教學實驗。實驗結果發現:「小單元集中識字教學法」在識字學習整體表現的立即與延宕效果上,均顯著優於「分散識字教學法」。至於各項識字能力表現上,「小單元集中識字教學法」在「部首語意知識」能力與「字形知識」能力的立即與延宕效果上,均顯著優於「分散識字教學法」。在性別方面,男生在「中文年級認字量表」立即後測總分上的表現,顯著優於女生。
英文摘要 The major purpose of this study was to explore the effects of different word recognition teaching methods for lower grade elementary school students. The subjects were two classes of second-grade students. One of the classes adopted the orthographic classified word recognition teaching method, and the other class adopted the distributed word recognition teaching method. After 8 weeks experimental teaching, the result were as follows: The orthographic classified group student’s overall ability of word recognition was better than distributed group on both immediate and delayed tests. Especially on the effects of radicals and orthographic knowledge, the orthographic classified group student’s performance was better than the distributed group’s. The boys were better than the girls on the delayed post-test of Chinese Graded Word Recognition Test.
頁次 71-88
關鍵詞 國語文教學 識字教學 小單元集中識字教學法 分散識字教學法 National language teaching Word recognition teaching Orthographic classified word recognition teaching Distributed word recognition teaching TSSCI
卷期 22
日期 200406
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系