

篇名 大学管理的科层化及其实践困境
並列篇名 The Bureaucratisation of University Administration and its Dilemma
作者 马廷奇
中文摘要 大学规模的扩大以及大学与外部环境日益广泛的联系,使大学管理的专业化及其科层体制逐渐凸显。但科层体制在大学组织管理活动中表现积极作用同时,也表现出难以克服的局限性,突出特点就是行政权力泛化以及学术管理的精英专制抑制了大学组织的学术创新活力。本文认为,中国大学科层体制是由于长期以来学术体制化程度低以及长期排斥市场机制造成的,我国要建立现代大学制度,必须走出科层化的困境,建立既有效率又符合大学组织特性的大学管理制度。
英文摘要 The professionalisation and bureaucratization of university administration have become increasingly important as the university expands rapidly in both institutional scale and connection with the outside world. Bureaucratisation has brought positive effects to university governance and management;meanwhile, however, it has also added difficult constraints. Two principal problems are the pervasion of administration power, and the elitist hegemony in academic management which restrains academic innovation. This article argues that the bureasucratic features of the Chinese universities are mainly caused by the long─term fragmentation of academic system and the long─term restraint on market mechanism. The way to develop modern university administration, the article then suggests, is to break the dilemma of bureaucratization and develop an efficient administrative system which accords with the institutional characteristics of the university.
頁次 33-38
關鍵詞 academic organization bureaucratic system university administration 学术组织 科层体制 大学管理 CSSCI
卷期 27:1
日期 200602
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學