

篇名 论保字性大学理想的来源、结构和发艰
並列篇名 Conservative Ideas of the University:Origin, Structure and Development
作者 王晨
中文摘要 本文对西方大学思想史上的保守性大学理想进行了研究,认为其作为西方大学思想最早的起源之一,与保守主义的形成有着密切关系。保守性大学理想具有三个形成层级结构的核心主题:自由教育、理性与道德关系、人的根本目的以及自我与外部世界的关系。根据这三个主题的演变,该思想形成了四个发展阶段:史前时期,代表人物是伯克和科尔里奇;宗教─道德取向的确立时期,代表人物是纽曼;文化─社会取向的延续发展时期,代表人物是马修.阿诺德、欧文.白璧德和赫钦斯;个人─理性取向的新思维时期,代表人物是列奥.斯特劳斯和艾伦.布鲁姆。保守性大学理想的研究对于现代大学发展和大学思想史研究都具有重要意义。
英文摘要 This article studies conservative ideas of the university in the western world. It argues that as one of the early ideas on modern university, conservatism in university education is closely related to the formation of western conservation in general. Conservative ideas of the university have three main themes:(1)liberal education;(2)the relationship between rationality and morality;(3)the ultimate goal of human beings and the relationship between oneself and external world. Based on these themes, conservation in university education has evolved into four phrases:(1)initial period. Represented by Burke and Coleridge;(2)the establishment of religion─moral orientation, represented by Paul Newman;(3)the extended development of cultural─social orientation, represented by Matthews Arnold, Irving Babbitt, and Robert    Hutchins;(4)the new thinking of individual─rational orientation, represented by Leo Strauss and Alan Bloom. Research on conservative ideas of the university is important to deepen the understanding of modern university development and intellectual history of the university.
頁次 7-13
關鍵詞 大学理想 morality rationality liberal education conservatism the idea of the university 理性 道德 自由教育 保守主义 CSSCI
卷期 28:6
日期 200712
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學