

篇名 加快优质教育资源和公共助学支持服务体系建设 ─ 再论将自学考试建成全球最大的开放与远程学习体系
並列篇名 Speed up Development of Quality Learning Resources and Public System for Learning Support Services ─ On building up the largest global system self ─ taught examinations for open and distance learning
作者 丁兴富 、李烁
中文摘要 自学考试应该办成全球最大的开放与远程学习体系,注重优质教育资源建设,加紧构建公共助学支持服务系统。要加快认证并建立一批规范的助学中心,开发网络在线助学平台,支持自考生的自主学习和合作学习,在有条件的地区和课程中积极探索形成性评价及相应的学分认定。
英文摘要 China’s Self─taught Examinations should be built up as the largest global system for open and distance learning, pay more attention to development of quality learning resources and speed up the construction of public system for learning support services. This public system might include an example group of learning support centers, standardized web─based platform for supporting of online autonomous and collaborative learning, and formative evaluation procedures in learning support process.
頁次 9-13
關鍵詞 formative evaluation online platform for learning support services public system for learning support services open and distance learning self─taught examinations 形成性评价 在线助学平台 公共助学服务系统 开放与远程学习 自学考试 CSSCI
卷期 14:3
日期 200806
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學