

篇名 基于属性的研究生教育招生考录制度改革探究
並列篇名 An Exploration of the Reform on the Graduate Education Enrollment System Based on Its Nature
作者 孟洁 、谢安邦
中文摘要 通过研究生教育本质的探讨,有助于我们从研究生招生制度需解决问题的本原出发,了解招生选拔或考察对象的观测点,进而提出对理想的研究生招生制度的构想,不仅是一种多元的筛选制度,更应该是双向的选择制度和人才的评价制度。在选拔过程中要注重招生和培养模式的匹配,人才培养和使用的一致,同时要保障导师组在对考生创新能力和综合素质考察方面的选拔决定权。
英文摘要 Through an exploration of the nature of graduate student education, this paper aims at some problems to be solved in the graduate enrollment system and puts forward an ideal concept of the enrollment system. It is not only a diversified selection system, but also a two─way selection system and a talent evaluation system. In the process of selection it is necessary to focus on the coordination between enrollment and cultivation, and between training and use of students.
頁次 59-63
關鍵詞 nature of the enrollment system 本质 graduate education 研究生教育 招生制度改革 CSSCI
卷期 20:5
日期 200809
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心