

篇名 机制创新:宁夏高校师资队伍建设的根本出路
並列篇名 Innovation of Mechanism:the Fundamental Outlet of the Construction of Teaching Force in Universities In Ningxia Province
作者 徐建国 、丁秀芹
中文摘要 作为整个教育系统中最高层次的高等教育,是当代科技与现代生产相结合的必要手段,是科技创新、知识经济发展的基本条件,更是实施”科教兴国”战略的重要内容。宁夏地处祖国西部内陆,经济文化教育相对落后,高等教育起歩较晚。长期以来,宁夏高校普遍存在教师学历层次偏低、综合素质不高、结构不合理、骨干教师流失严重、学科带头人缺乏的现状。因此,创新机制,采取超常规的有力措施,切实加强教师队伍建设就成为当务之急。
英文摘要 As the highest level of the entire educational system, higher education is the essential method to connect contemporary science and technology with modernized production is the basic condition for technical innovation and the development of knowledge economy is the important part to implement the strategy of invigorating China through the development of science and education. Situated in the west of China, the economy, culture and education of Ningxia are backward relatively, and the higher education also starts later. Since long ago, universities in Ningxia have faced the realities that teachers’ academic level is lower generally, the comprehensive quality is not high, teachers’ organizing structure is unreasonable, key teachers rain seriously, and leader teachers in every subject are deficient. Therefore, reforming the mechanism, adopting unconventional measures, strengthening the construction teaching force are urgent affairs.
頁次 47-50
關鍵詞 the construction of teaching force teachers in universities innovation of mechanism 队伍建设 高校教师 机制创新 CSSCI
卷期 19:4
日期 200707
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心