

篇名 我國研究型大學本科生科研能力培養的途徑與實踐
並列篇名 Strategy and Practice of Undergraduate Research Competence Building in Research Universities in China
作者 王根順 、王輝
中文摘要 研究型大学具有培养本科生科研能力的独特优势和便利条件,培养本科生的科研能力是研究型大学提高人才培养质量的客观要求。要进一步提高我国研究型大学本科生科研能力,应以以下几方面入手:坚持精英教育理念不动摇、完善招生制度、全面实施本科生”导师制”、努力实现研究生与本科生的有效互动、推行”2+1+2”+”X”本一硕一博连续的新型培养模式等。
英文摘要 Undergraduate research competence is essential for enhancing the quality of talent cultivation for the research university. The research university has a distinctive advantage and conducive environment in building undergraduate research competence. In recent years, research universities in China have made valuable explorations in this regard. Effective strategies and practices are as the following: valuing meritocratic ideas, improving admission policies, reforming teaching and learning plans, fully implementing undergraduate “tutorial” system, engaging in undergraduate-postgraduate interaction, and promoting new modes of educational programmes such as “2+1+2+X” continuous undergraduate-master-doctor programmes.
頁次 44-48
關鍵詞 strategy and practice undergraduate research competence Research university 本科生科研能力 研究型大學 CSSCI
卷期 29:3
日期 200806
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學