

篇名 善意和敌意性别偏见及其对社会认知的影响
並列篇名 Ambivalent Sexism and Its Influence to Social Cognition of Women
作者 陈志霞 、陈剑峰
中文摘要 敌意性别偏见是一种出于对女性敌对情感的性别偏见;善意的性别偏见则是指一种主观上出于爱护女性的正面情感,通过特定角色限制而对女性形成的一种性别偏见态度。二者的具体心理结构分别包括两性权力、性别间能力差异和异性性行为等三个维度。不同类型性别偏见对人们有关女性群体和个体的社会认知及其态度存在重要影响。
英文摘要 This thesis introduced and gave comments on the concept and measure of ambivalent sexism and its influence to social cognition of women. While hostile sexism reflect a sexist antipathy attitude toward women, benevolent sexism is a set of interrelated attitudes toward women that are sexist in terms of viewing women stereotypically and in restricted roles but that are subjectively positive in feeling tone of the perceiver. Both of hostile sexism and benevolent sexism encompass 3 sources of male ambivalence: Paternalism, Gender Differentiation, and Heterosexuality. Different model of sexism have great impact to the perceiver's social cognition of women.
頁次 464-469
關鍵詞 善意性别偏见 敌意性别偏见 社会认知 benevolent sexism hostile sexism social cognition
卷期 15:3
日期 200705
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所